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Fill The Silence in the Car With These Fun Apps!


Road trips and commutes can seem sooooo long when the only option is the music picked by the local DJ. We’ve aggregated a list of the top apps to download when you need a break from your radio. Enjoy custom playlists, podcasts or “read” a book in between pit stops!

The Music Lover
Listening to music is a classic car pastime and still very popular but now you can move beyond the scan button and have a little more control. Download these apps and customize your listening experience. Many are free, too!

The Wanna-Learn-Something-New
A podcast is a digital audio file that can be downloaded and listen to via your mobile device. What is great is that podcast topics range from sports to finance to mystery to self help and more! Find a topic you’re interested in or an exciting series to enjoy while you’re driving!

Listen and Relax
Have a list of books that you’d love to read in your spare time? No problem! Fit “reading” into your hectic schedule with an audiobook. Download an app, select a book you’ve been wanting to read and start listening. Many offer free trials so you can try it out and see if you like the experience.

I love and listen to all of these depending on my mood or how long I’ll be in my car. (I also listen while cleaning, too!) If you have a favorite service, podcast or audiobook, let me know. I love recommendations!

For budget-minded drivers, GasBuddy is the travel and navigation app that is used by more North American drivers to save money on gas than any other. Unlike fuel retailer apps, as well as newer apps focused on fuel savings, GasBuddy covers 150,000+ gas stations in North America, giving drivers 27 ways to save on fuel. That’s why GasBuddy has been downloaded nearly 90 million times – more than any other travel and navigation app focused on gas savings.